Greetings from Team Manfest-Varchasva!

Further to your vertical selections, we invite you to a small task round, which will run till 09:00 AM on Wednesday, October 9, 2024.


There are 10 verticals and horizontals and 4 timelines (T-100, T-50, T-10, T-0). The timelines mean the number of days to the fest from which you need to plan for the event. For e.g. a Management_Event_T100 task means that you are planning for a management event task from 100 days before the fest. You have to pick a minimum of 2 tasks and a maximum of 4 tasks, each from a different timeline and different vertical. If you select Management_Event_T100 then you can not select any other XYZ_T100 and Management_Event_TXYZ tasks

Your evaluation will be based on both the quality and quantity of tasks you submit.

Go through the task pdfs listed below carefully, and formulate the deliverable write-ups/ designs in .doc/.docx/.pdf/.ppt/.pptx/.xls/.xlsx format

If you have multiple files for a single task, upload them in .zip/.rar format

*You can choose a maximum of 2 verticals from the 3 - Fashp&Theatre, Lit&Music and Dance verticals.
#You can not choose both Fashp and Theatre verticals or both Lit and Music verticals.

Each task write-up is deliverable in .doc/.docx/.pdf/.ppt/.pptx format named as <taskname>_<yourname>.doc/.docx/.pdf/.ppt/.pptx. For example, John Doe would rename the deliverable for LeadEx_T10 as LeadEx_T10_John Doe.doc/.docx/.pdf/.ppt/.pptx

If you have multiple attachments for a single task, compress them in a folder named using the same naming convention as above and convert it into a .zip package.

The submissions have to be made in the google classroom in the respective vertical tasks. For example: For submission of any Operations vertical tasks, you will make a submission in the Google Classroom assignment “Round2_Operations”.


This round is designed to be analytical, informative and indicative of the kind of work we do while conceptualizing and planning every aspect of Manfest-Varchasva before moving on to managing the execution. We trust you will find it interesting and the tasks will give you a flavor of the kind of work we have through the year. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any issues or clarifications.